Including External Code▲
<Unknown command>contentspageQDoc Manual
The following commands enable you to include code snippets from external files. You can make QDoc include the complete contents of a file, or you can quote specific parts of the file and skip others. The typical use of the latter is to quote a file chunk by chunk.
Although all these commands can be used for rendering C++ code, the \snippet and \codeline commands are preferred over the others. These commands allow equivalent code snippets for other Qt language bindings to be substituted for the C++ snippets in the documentation.
The \quotefile command expands to the complete contents of the file given as argument.
The command considers the rest of the line as part of its argument, make sure to follow the file name with a line break.
The file's contents is rendered in a separate paragraph, using a monospace font and the standard indentation. The code is shown verbatim.
This is a simple "Hello world"
\quotefile examples/
It contains only the bare minimum you need
to get a Qt application up and
QDoc renders this as:
This is a simple "Hello world" example: Sélectionnez
It contains only the bare minimum you need to get a Qt application up and running. |
See also \quotefromfile and \code.
The \quotefromfile command opens the file given as argument for quoting.
The command considers the rest of the line as part of its argument, make sure to follow the file name with a line break.
The command is intended for use when quoting parts from file with the walkthrough commands: \printline, \printto, \printuntil, \skipline, \skipto, \skipuntil. This enables you to quote specific portions of a file.
The whole application is contained within
the \c main() function:
\quotefromfile examples/
\skipto main
\printuntil app(argc, argv)
First we create a QApplication object using
the \c argc and
\c argv parameters.
\skipto QPushButton
\printuntil resize
Then we create a QPushButton, and
give it a reasonable
size using
the QWidget::
resize() function.
QDoc renders this as:
The whole application is contained within the main() function: Sélectionnez
First we create a QApplication object using the argc and argv parameters. Sélectionnez
Then we create a QPushButton, and give it a reasonable size using the QWidget::resize() function. ... |
QDoc remembers which file it is quoting from, and the current position in that file (see \printline for more information). There is no need to "close" the file.
See also \quotefile, \code and \dots.
The \printline command expands to the line from the current position to the next non-blank line of the current source file.
To ensure that the documentation remains synchronized with the source file, a substring of the line must be specified as an argument to the command. Note that the command considers the rest of the line as part of its argument, make sure to follow the substring with a line break.
The line from the source file is rendered as a separate paragraph, using a monospace font and the standard indentation. The code is shown verbatim.
There has to be exactly one QApplication object
in every GUI application that uses Qt.
\quotefromfile examples/
\printline QApplication
This line includes the QApplication class
definition. QApplication manages various
wide resources, such as the
font and
\printline QPushButton
This line includes the QPushButton class
definition. The QPushButton widget provides a command
\printline main
The main function...
QDoc renders this as:
There has to be exactly one QApplication object in every GUI application that uses Qt. Sélectionnez
This line includes the QApplication class definition. QApplication manages various application-wide resources, such as the default font and cursor. Sélectionnez
This line includes the QPushButton class definition. The QPushButton widget provides a command button. Sélectionnez