Special Content▲
<Unknown command>contentspageQDoc Manual
The document contents commands identify parts of the documentation, parts with a special rendering, conceptual meaning or function.
The \quotation and \endquotation commands delimit a long quotation.
The text in the delimited block is surrounded by <blockquote> and </blockquote> in the html output, e.g.:
Although the prospect of a significantly broader market is
good news for
Firstlogic, the notion also posed some
challenges. Dave Dobson, director of technology for
the La
Crosse, Wisconsin-
based company, said:
As our solutions were being adopted into new
environments, we saw an escalating need for
integration with a wider range of enterprise
The text in the \quotation block will appear in the generated HTML as:
gt;As our solutions were being adopted into new
we saw an escalating need for
easier integration with a wider
range of enterprise applications.&
The built-in style sheet for most browsers will render the contents of the <blockquote> tag with left and right indentations. The example above would be rendered as:
As our solutions were being adopted into new environments, we saw an escalating need for easier integration with a wider range of enterprise applications. |
But you can redefine the <blockquote> tag in your style.css file.
The \footnote and \endfootnote commands delimit a footnote.
The footnote is rendered at the bottom of the page.
The \footnote and \endfootnote commands have not been implemented. The footnote is rendered as a regular HTML paragraph.
The \tableofcontents command has been disabled because QDoc now generates a table of contents automatically.
The automatically generated table of contents appears in the upper righthand corner of the page.
The \brief command introduces a one-sentence description of a class, namespace, header file, property, or variable.
The brief text is used to introduce the documentation of the associated object, and in lists generated using the \generatelist command and the \annotatedlist command.
The \brief command can be used in two significant different ways: One for classes, namespaces and header files, and one for properties and variables.
When the \brief command is used to describe a property or a variable, the brief text must be a sentence fragment starting with "whether" (for a boolean property or variable) or starting with "the" (for any other property or variable).
For example the boolean QWidget::isWindow property:
\property QWidget::
\brief Whether this
widget's window is the active window.
The active window is the window that contains the widget that
has keyboard focus.
When popup windows are visible, this
property is \c true
both the active window \e and
the popup.
\sa activateWindow(), QApplication::
and the QWidget::geometry property