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Main Window Examples

Building applications around a main window.

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Main Window Examples

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All the standard features of application main windows are provided by Qt.

Main windows can have pull down menus, tool bars, and dock windows. These separate forms of user input are unified in an integrated action system that also supports keyboard shortcuts and accelerator keys in menu items.

  • Application Example: The Application example shows how to implement a standard GUI application with menus, toolbars, and a status bar. The example itself is a simple text editor program built around QPlainTextEdit.

  • Dock Widgets Example: The Dock Widgets example shows how to add dock windows to an application. It also shows how to use Qt's rich text engine.

  • MDI Example: The MDI example shows how to implement a Multiple Document Interface using Qt's QMdiArea class.

  • Main Window: The Main Window example shows Qt's extensive support for tool bars, dock windows, menus, and other standard application features.

  • Menus Example: The Menus example demonstrates how menus can be used in a main window application.

  • SDI Example: The SDI example shows how to create a Single Document Interface. It uses a number of top-level windows to display the contents of different text files.

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