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<QFloat16> - 16-bit Floating Point Support

The <QFloat16> header file provides 16-bit floating point support.

This documentation was introduced in Qt 5.9.

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<QFloat16> - 16-bit Floating Point Support

  • Header: QFloat16

  • Since: Qt 5.9

  • Group: <QFloat16> is part of funclists

Detailed Description

This header file provides support for half-precision (16-bit) floating point data with the class qfloat16. It is fully compliant with IEEE 754 as a storage type. This implies that any arithmetic operation on a qfloat16 instance results in the value first being converted to a float. This conversion to and from float is performed by hardware when possible, but on processors that do not natively support half-precision, the conversion is performed through a sequence of lookup table operations.

qfloat16 should be treated as if it were a POD (plain old data) type. Consequently, none of the supported operations need any elaboration beyond stating that it supports all arithmetic operators incident to floating point types.

Macro Documentation


[since 5.12.4] QT_NO_FLOAT16_OPERATORS

Defining this macro disables the arithmetic operators for qfloat16.

This is only necessary on Visual Studio 2017 (and earlier) when including <QFloat16> and <bitset> in the same translation unit, which would otherwise cause a compilation error due to a toolchain bug (see [QTBUG-72073]).

This macro was introduced in Qt 5.12.4.

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