QMarginsF Class▲
Header: QMarginsF
Since: Qt 5.3
qmake: QT += core
Group: QMarginsF is part of painting
Detailed Description▲
QMarginsF defines a set of four margins; left, top, right and bottom, that describe the size of the borders surrounding a rectangle.
The isNull() function returns true only if all margins are set to zero.
QMarginsF objects can be streamed as well as compared.
Member Function Documentation▲
[default] QMarginsF::QMarginsF()▲
[default] QMarginsF::QMarginsF(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)▲
Constructs margins with the given left, top, right, bottom
See Also▲
[default] QMarginsF::QMarginsF(const int &margins)▲
Constructs margins copied from the given margins
int QMarginsF::isNull() const▲
Returns true if all margins are 0; otherwise returns false.
int QMarginsF::setBottom(int bottom)▲
Sets the bottom margin to bottom.
int QMarginsF::setLeft(int left)▲
Sets the left margin to left.
int QMarginsF::setRight(int right)▲
Sets the right margin to right.
int QMarginsF::setTop(int Top)▲
Sets the Top margin to Top.