Accessible QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.13
Group: Accessible is part of qtquick-visual-utility, accessibility
Detailed Description▲
This class is part of the Accessibility for Qt Quick Applications.
Items the user interacts with or that give information to the user need to expose their information to the accessibility framework. Then assistive tools can make use of that information to enable users to interact with the application in various ways. This enables Qt Quick applications to be used with screen-readers for example.
The most important properties are name, description and role.
Example implementation of a simple button:
"shows the next page"
: {
// do a button click
The role is set to Button to indicate the type of control. name is the most important information and bound to the text on the button. The name is a short and consise description of the control and should reflect the visual label. In this case it is not clear what the button does with the name only, so description contains an explanation. There is also a signal handler Accessible.pressAction which can be invoked by assistive tools to trigger the button. This signal handler needs to have the same effect as tapping or clicking the button would have.
See Also▲
See also Accessibility
Property Documentation▲
checkStateMixed : bool▲
This property holds whether this item is in the partially checked state.
By default this property is false.
See Also▲
checkable : bool▲
This property holds whether this item is checkable (like a check box or some buttons).
By default this property is false.
See Also▲
See also checked
checked : bool▲
This property holds whether this item is currently checked.
By default this property is false.
See Also▲
See also checkable
defaultButton : bool▲
This property holds whether this item is the default button of a dialog.
By defau