AnimationController QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.13
Group: AnimationController is part of qtquick-animation-control
Detailed Description▲
Normally animations are driven by an internal timer, but the AnimationController allows the given animation to be driven by a progress value explicitly.
Property Documentation▲
animation : Animation▲
This property holds the animation to be controlled by the AnimationController.
Note:An animation controlled by AnimationController will always have its running and paused properties set to true. It can not be manually started or stopped (much like an animation in a Behavior can not be manually started or stopped).
progress : real▲
This property holds the animation progress value.
The valid progress value is 0.0 to 1.0, setting values less than 0 will be converted to 0, setting values great than 1 will be converted to 1.
Method Documentation▲
Finishes running the controlled animation in a backwards direction.
After calling this method, the animation runs normally from the current progress point in a backwards direction to the beginning state.
The animation controller's progress value will be automatically updated while the animation is running.
See Also▲
See also completeToEnd(), progress
Finishes running the controlled animation in a forwards direction.
After calling this method, the animation runs normally from the current progress point in a forwards direction to the end state.
The animation controller's progress value will be automatically updated while the animation is running.
See Also▲
See also completeToBeginning(), progress
Reloads the animation properties
If the animation properties changed, calling this method to reload the animation definations.