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BorderImageMesh QML Type

Defines a mesh with vertices arranged like those of a BorderImage.

This type was introduced in Qt 5.8.

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BorderImageMesh QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.13

  • Since: Qt 5.8

  • Group: BorderImageMesh is part of qtquick-effects

Detailed Description

BorderImageMesh provides BorderImage-like capabilities to a ShaderEffect without the need for a potentially costly ShaderEffectSource.

The following are functionally equivalent:

BorderImage {
    id: borderImage
    border {
        left: 10
        right: 10
        top: 10
        bottom: 10
    source: "myImage.png"
    visible: false
ShaderEffectSource {
    id: effectSource
    sourceItem: borderImage
    visible: false
ShaderEffect {
    property var source: effectSource
Image {
    id: image
    source: "myImage.png"
    visible: false
ShaderEffect {
    property var source: image
    mesh: BorderImageMesh {
        border {
            left: 10
            right: 10
            top: 10
            bottom: 10
        size: image.sourceSize

But the BorderImageMesh version can typically be better optimized.

Property Documentation


horizontalTileMode : enumeration

verticalTileMode : enumeration

This property describes how to repeat or stretch the middle parts of an image.

  • BorderImage.Stretch - Scales the image to fit to the available area.

  • BorderImage.Repeat - Tile the image until there is no more space. May crop the last image.

  • BorderImage.Round - Like Repeat, but scales the images down to ensure that the last image is not cropped.

The default tile mode for each property is BorderImage.Stretch.

border group

border.bottom : int

border.left : int

border.right : int : int

The 4 border lines (2 horizontal and 2 vertical) break the image into 9 sections, as shown below:

Image non disponible

Each border line (left, right, top, and bottom) specifies an offset in pixels from the respective edge of the mesh. By default, each border line has a value of 0.

For example, the following definition sets the bottom line 10 pixels up from the bottom of the mesh:

BorderImageMesh {
    border.bottom: 10
    // ...

size : size

The base size of the mesh. This generally corresponds to the sourceSize of the image being used by the ShaderEffect.

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