Dial QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
Since: Qt 5.7
Inherits: Control
Group: Dial is part of qtquickcontrols2-input
Detailed Description▲
The Dial is similar to a traditional dial knob that is found on devices such as stereos or industrial equipment. It allows the user to specify a value within a range.

The value of the dial is set with the value property. The range is set with the from and to properties. To enable or disable wrapping, use the wrap property.
The dial can be manipulated with a keyboard. It supports the following actions:
Action |
Key |
Qt.Key_Left |
Qt.Key_Down |
Qt.Key_Home |
Qt.Key_Right |
Qt.Key_Up |
Qt.Key_End |
Dial supports three input modes: Dial.Circular, Dial.Horizontal and Dial.Vertical. The circular input mode operates on an absolute input system, where the position of the cursor within the dial directly reflects its value. The horizontal and vertical input modes use a relative input system, where changes in the cursor's position are "added" to the value of the dial.
The following image illustrates the directions in which the various input modes track movement:
See Also▲
See also Customizing Dial, Input Controls