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MenuSeparator QML Type

Separates a group of items in a menu from adjacent items.

This type was introduced in Qt 5.8.

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MenuSeparator QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls 2.5

  • Since: Qt 5.8

  • Inherits: Control

  • Group: MenuSeparator is part of qtquickcontrols2-separators

Detailed Description

MenuSeparator is used to visually distinguish between groups of items in a menu by separating them with a line.

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import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12

Menu {
    id: menu
    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("New...")
    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("Open...")
    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("Save")

    MenuSeparator {
        padding: 0
        topPadding: 12
        bottomPadding: 12
        contentItem: Rectangle {
            implicitWidth: 200
            implicitHeight: 1
            color: "#1E000000"

    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("Exit")

See Also

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