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Overlay QML Type

A window overlay for popups.

This type was introduced in Qt 5.10.

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Overlay QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls 2.5

  • Since: Qt 5.10

  • Inherits: Item

Detailed Description

Overlay provides a layer for popups, ensuring that popups are displayed above other content and that the background is dimmed when a modal or dimmed popup is visible.

The overlay is an ordinary Item that covers the entire window. It can be used as a visual parent to position a popup in scene coordinates.

The following example uses the attached Overlay.overlay property to position a popup in the center of the window, despite the position of the button that opens the popup:

Button {

    Popup {
        id: popup

        parent: Overlay.overlay

        x: Math.round((parent.width - width) / 2)
        y: Math.round((parent.height - height) / 2)
        width: 100
        height: 100

See Also

Attached Property Documentation


Overlay.modal : Component

The property can be attached to any popup.

For example, to change the color of the background dimming for a modal popup, the following code can be used:

Popup {
    id: popup
    width: 400
    height: 400
    modal: true
    visible: true

    Overlay.modal: Rectangle {
        color: "#aacfdbe7"
See Also

See also Popup::modal

Overlay.modeless : Component

This attached property holds a component to use as a visual item that implements background dimming for modeless popups. It is created for and stacked below visible dimming popups.

The property can be attached to any popup.

For example, to change the color of the background dimming for a modeless popup, the following code can be used:

Popup {
    id: popup
    width: 400
    height: 400
    dim: true
    visible: true

    Overlay.modeless: Rectangle {
        color: "#aacfdbe7"
See Also

See also Popup::dim

[read-only] Overlay.overlay : Overlay

This attached property holds the window overlay item.

The property can be attached to any item, popup, or window. When attached to an item or a popup, the value is null if the item or popup is not in a window.

Attached Signal Documentation



This attached signal is emitted when the overlay is pressed by the user while a popup is visible.

The signal can be attached to any item, popup, or window. When attached to an item or a popup, the signal is only emitted if the item or popup is in a window.

The corresponding handler is onPressed.


This attached signal is emitted when the overlay is released by the user while a popup is visible.

The signal can be attached to any item, popup, or window. When attached to an item or a popup, the signal is only emitted if the item or popup is in a window.

The corresponding handler is onReleased.

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