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RoundButton QML Type

A push-button control with rounded corners that can be clicked by the user.

This type was introduced in Qt 5.8.

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RoundButton QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls 2.5

  • Since: Qt 5.8

  • Inherits: Button

  • Group: RoundButton is part of qtquickcontrols2-buttons

Detailed Description

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RoundButton is identical to Button, except that it has a radius property which allows the corners to be rounded without having to customize the background.

RoundButton {
    text: "\u2713" // Unicode Character 'CHECK MARK'
    onClicked: textArea.readOnly = true

See Also

Property Documentation


radius : real

This property holds the radius of the button.

To create a relatively square button that has slightly rounded corners, use a small value, such as 3.

To create a completely circular button (the default), use a value that is equal to half of the width or height of the button, and make the button's width and height identical.

To reset this property back to the default value, set its value to undefined.

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