Layout QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
Group: Layout is part of layouts
Detailed Description▲
An object of type Layout is attached to children of the layout to provide layout specific information about the item. The properties of the attached object influence how the layout will arrange the items.
For instance, you can specify minimumWidth, preferredWidth, and maximumWidth if the default values are not satisfactory.
When a layout is resized, items may grow or shrink. Due to this, items have a minimum size, preferred size and a maximum size.
If minimum size has not been explicitly specified on an item, the size is set to 0. If maximum size has not been explicitly specified on an item, the size is set to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
For layouts, the implicit minimum and maximum sizes depend on the content of the layouts.
The fillWidth and fillHeight properties can either be true or false. If they are false, the item's size will be fixed to its preferred size. Otherwise, it will grow or shrink between its minimum and maximum size as the layout is resized.
Do not bind to the x, y, width, or height properties of items in a layout, as this would conflict with the goals of Layout, and can also cause binding loops. The width and height properties are used by the layout engine to store the current size of items as calculated from the minimum/preferred/maximum attached properties, and can be ovewritten each time the items are laid out. Use Layout.preferredWidth and Layout.preferredHeight, or implicitWidth and implicitHeight to specify the preferred size of items.
See Also▲
See also GridLayout, RowLayout, ColumnLayout
Attached Property Documentation▲
Layout.alignment : Qt.Alignment▲
This property allows you to specify the alignment of an item within the cell(s) it occupies.
The default value is 0, which means it will be Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft. These defaults also apply if only a horizontal or vertical flag is specified: if only a horizontal flag is specified, the default vertical flag will be Qt.AlignVCenter, and if only a vertical flag is specified, the default horizontal flag will be Qt.AlignLeft.
A valid alignment is a combination of the following flags:
[since QtQuick.Layouts 1.2] Layout.bottomMargin : real▲
Specifies the bottom margin outside of an item. If the value is not set, it will use the value from margins.
This property was introduced in QtQuick.Layouts 1.2.
See Also▲
See also margins
Layout.column : int▲
This property allows you to specify the column position of an item in a GridLayout.
If both row and this property are not set, it is up to the layout to assign a cell to the item.
The default value is 0.
See Also▲
See also row, columnSpan
Layout.columnSpan : int▲
This property allows you to specify the column span of an item in a GridLayout.
The default value is 1.
See Also▲
Layout.fillHeight : bool▲
If this property is true, the item will be as tall as possible while respecting the given constraints. If the property is false, the item will have a fixed height set to the preferred height. The default is false, except for layouts themselves, which default to true.
See Also▲
See also fillWidth
Layout.fillWidth : bool▲
If this property is true, the item will be as wide as possible while respecting the given constraints. If the property is false, the item will have a fixed width set to the preferred width. The default is false, except for layouts themselves, which default to true.
See Also▲
See also fillHeight
[since QtQuick.Layouts 1.2] Layout.leftMargin : real▲
Specifies the left margin outside of an item. If the value is not set, it will use the value from margins.
This property was introduced in QtQuick.Layouts 1.2.
See Also▲
See also margins
[since QtQuick.Layouts 1.2] Layout.margins : real▲
Sets the margins outside of an item to all have the same value. The item itself does not evaluate its own margins. It is the parent's responsibility to decide if it wants to evaluate the margins.
Specifically, margins are only evaluated by ColumnLayout, RowLayout, GridLayout, and other layout-like containers, such as SplitView, where the effective cell size of an item will be increased as the margins are increased.
Therefore, if an item with margins is a child of another Item, its position, size and implicit size will remain unchanged.
Combining margins with alignment will align the item including its margins. For instance, a vertically-centered Item with a top margin of 1 and a bottom margin of 9 will cause the Items effective alignment within the cell to be 4 pixels above the center.
The default value is 0.
This property was introduced in QtQuick.Layouts 1.2.
See Also▲
See also leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin
Layout.maximumHeight : real▲
The default value is the item's implicit maximum height.
If the item is a layout, the implicit maximum height will be the maximum height the layout can have without any of its items growing beyond their maximum height. The implicit maximum height for any other item is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
Setting this value to -1 will reset the height back to its implicit maximum height.
See Also▲
See also minimumHeight, preferredHeight
Layout.maximumWidth : real▲
This property holds the maximum width of an item in a layout. The default value is the item's implicit maximum width.
If the item is a layout, the implicit maximum width will be the maximum width the layout can have without any of its items growing beyond their maximum width. The implicit maximum width for any other item is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
Setting this value to -1 will reset the width back to its implicit maximum width.
See Also▲
See also minimumWidth, preferredWidth
Layout.minimumHeight : real▲
This property holds the minimum height of an item in a layout. The default value is the item's implicit minimum height.
If the item is a layout, the implicit minimum height will be the minimum height the layout can have without any of its items shrinking below their minimum height. The implicit minimum height for any other item is 0.
Setting this value to -1 will reset the height back to its implicit minimum height.
See Also▲
See also preferredHeight, maximumHeight
Layout.minimumWidth : real▲
This property holds the minimum width of an item in a layout. The default value is the item's implicit minimum width.
If the item is a layout, the implicit minimum width will be the minimum width the layout can have without any of its items shrinking below their minimum width. The implicit minimum width for any other item is 0.
Setting this value to -1 will reset the width back to its implicit minimum width.
See Also▲
See also preferredWidth, maximumWidth
Layout.preferredHeight : real▲
This property holds the preferred height of an item in a layout. If the preferred height is -1 it will be ignored, and the layout will use implicitHeight instead. The default is -1.
See Also▲
See also minimumHeight, maximumHeight
Layout.preferredWidth : real▲
This property holds the preferred width of an item in a layout. If the preferred width is -1 it will be ignored, and the layout will use implicitWidth instead. The default is -1.
See Also▲
See also minimumWidth, maximumWidth
[since QtQuick.Layouts 1.2] Layout.rightMargin : real▲
Specifies the right margin outside of an item. If the value is not set, it will use the value from margins.
This property was introduced in QtQuick.Layouts 1.2.
See Also▲
See also margins
Layout.row : int▲
This property allows you to specify the row position of an item in a GridLayout.
If both column and this property are not set, it is up to the layout to assign a cell to the item.
The default value is 0.
See Also▲
Layout.rowSpan : int▲
This property allows you to specify the row span of an item in a GridLayout.
The default value is 1.
See Also▲
See also columnSpan, row