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AngleDirection QML Type

For specifying a direction that varies in angle.

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AngleDirection QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Particles 2.13

  • Inherits: Direction

  • Group: AngleDirection is part of qtquick-particles

Detailed Description

The AngledDirection element allows both the specification of a direction by angle and magnitude, as well as varying the parameters by angle or magnitude.

Property Documentation


angle : real

This property specifies the base angle for the direction. The angle of this direction will vary by no more than angleVariation from this angle.

Angle is specified by degrees clockwise from straight right.

The default value is zero.

angleVariation : real

This property specifies the maximum angle variation for the direction. The angle of the direction will vary by up to angleVariation clockwise and anticlockwise from the value specified in angle.

Angle is specified by degrees clockwise from straight right.

The default value is zero.

magnitude : real

This property specifies the base magnitude for the direction. The magnitude of this direction will vary by no more than magnitudeVariation from this magnitude.

Magnitude is specified in units of pixels per second.

The default value is zero.

magnitudeVariation : real

This property specifies the base magnitude for the direction. The magnitude of this direction will vary by no more than magnitudeVariation from the base magnitude.

Magnitude is specified in units of pixels per second.

The default value is zero.

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