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TargetDirection QML Type

For specifying a direction towards the target point.

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TargetDirection QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Particles 2.13

  • Inherits: Direction

  • Group: TargetDirection is part of qtquick-particles

Detailed Description


Property Documentation


magnitude : real


magnitudeVariation : real


proportionalMagnitude : bool

If true, then the value of magnitude and magnitudeVariation shall be interpreted as multiples of the distance between the source point and the target point, per second.

If false(default), then the value of magnitude and magnitudeVariation shall be interpreted as pixels per second.

targetItem : Item

If specified, this will take precedence over targetX and targetY. The targeted point will be the center of the specified Item

targetVariation : real


targetX : real


targetY : real


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