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PathSvg QML Type

Defines a path using an SVG path data string.

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PathSvg QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.13

  • Group: PathSvg is part of qtquick-animation-paths

Detailed Description

The following QML produces the path shown below:

Image non disponible
Path {
    startX: 50; startY: 50
    PathSvg { path: "L 150 50 L 100 150 z" }

Mixing PathSvg with other type of elements is not always supported. For example, when Shape is backed by GL_NV_path_rendering, a ShapePath can contain one or more PathSvg elements, or one or more other type of elements, but not both.

See Also

Property Documentation


path : string

The SVG path data string specifying the path.

See W3C SVG Path Data for more details on this format.

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