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PropertyAction QML Type

Specifies immediate property changes during animation.

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PropertyAction QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.13

  • Inherits: Animation

  • Group: PropertyAction is part of qtquick-transitions-animations

Detailed Description

PropertyAction is used to specify an immediate property change during an animation. The property change is not animated.

It is useful for setting non-animated property values during an animation.

For example, here is a SequentialAnimation that sets the image's opacity property to .5, animates the width of the image, then sets opacity back to 1:

SequentialAnimation {
    PropertyAction { target: img; property: "opacity"; value: .5 }
    NumberAnimation { target: img; property: "width"; to: 300; duration: 1000 }
    PropertyAction { target: img; property: "opacity"; value: 1 }

PropertyAction is also useful for setting the exact point at which a property change should occur during a Transition. For example, if PropertyChanges was used in a State to rotate an item around a particular transformOrigin, it might be implemented like this:

Item {
    width: 400; height: 400

    Rectangle {
        id: rect
        width: 200; height: 100
        color: "red"

        states: State {
            name: "rotated"
            PropertyChanges { target: rect; rotation: 180; transformOrigin: Item.BottomRight }

        transitions: Transition {
            RotationAnimation { duration: 1000; direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise }

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: rect.state = "rotated"

However, with this code, the transformOrigin is not set until after the animation, as a State is taken to define the values at the end of a transition. The animation would rotate at the default transformOrigin, then jump to Item.BottomRight. To fix this, insert a PropertyAction before the RotationAnimation begins:

transitions: Transition {
    SequentialAnimation {
        PropertyAction { target: rect; property: "transformOrigin" }
        RotationAnimation { duration: 1000; direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise }

This immediately sets the transformOrigin property to the value defined in the end state of the Transition (i.e. the value defined in the PropertyAction object) so that the rotation animation begins with the correct transform origin.

See Also

Property Documentation


properties : string

property : string

target : Object

targets : list<Object>

These properties determine the items and their properties that are affected by this action.

The details of how these properties are interpreted in different situations is covered in the corresponding PropertyAnimation documentation.

See Also

See also exclude

exclude : list<Object>

This property holds the objects that should not be affected by this action.

See Also

See also targets

value : any

This property holds the value to be set on the property.

If the PropertyAction is defined within a Transition or Behavior, this value defaults to the value defined in the end state of the Transition, or the value of the property change that triggered the Behavior.

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