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LinearGradient QML Type

Linear gradient.

This type was introduced in Qt 5.10.

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LinearGradient QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Shapes 1.13

  • Since: Qt 5.10

  • Inherits: ShapeGradient

  • Group: LinearGradient is part of qtquick-paths, qtquick-views

Detailed Description

Linear gradients interpolate colors between start and end points in Shape items. Outside these points the gradient is either padded, reflected or repeated depending on the spread type.

LinearGradient is only supported in combination with Shape items. It is not compatible with Rectangle, as that only supports Gradient.

See Also

See also QLinearGradient

Property Documentation


x1 : real

x2 : real

y1 : real

y2 : real

These properties define the start and end points between which color interpolation occurs. By default both points are set to (0, 0).

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