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rect QML Value Type

a value with x, y, width and height attributes.

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Detailed Description

The rect type refers to a value with x, y, width and height attributes.

For example, to read the width and height values of the Item childrenRect rect-type property:

Rectangle {
    width: childrenRect.width
    height: childrenRect.height

    Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 }

To create a rect value, specify it as a "x, y, width x height" string:

CustomObject { myRectProperty: "50,50,100x100" }

Or use the Qt.rect() function:

CustomObject { myRectProperty: Qt.rect(50, 50, 100, 100) }

The rect type also exposes read-only left, right, top and bottom attributes. These are the same as their C++ counterparts.

When integrating with C++, note that any QRect or QRectF value passed into QML from C++ is automatically converted into a rect value, and vice-versa. When a rect value is passed to C++, it is automatically converted into a QRectF value.

See Also

See also QML Basic Types

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