UI Design with Qt▲
These pages are about Qt's traditional set of GUI components for building both native look & feel and custom UI's for the desktop environment. Use Qt Quick for building UI's for mobile devices.
Application Main Window: Creating the application window.
Desktop Integration: Integrating with the user's desktop environment.
Dialog Windows: An overview over dialog windows.
Drag and Drop: An overview of the drag and drop system provided by Qt.
Gestures in Widgets and Graphics View: An overview of Qt support for Gesture programming
Layout Management: A tour of the standard layout managers and an introduction to custom layouts.
Qt Style Sheets: How to use style sheets to customize the appearance of widgets.
Standard Dialogs: A list of Qt classes for implementing standard dialogs.
Styles and Style Aware Widgets: Styles and the styling of widgets.
The Animation Framework: An overview of the Animation Framework
Widgets Classes: The primary elements for designing user interfaces in Qt.
Window and Dialog Widgets: Windows and Dialogs in Qt.