Qt Labs Platform QML Types▲
The experimental Qt Labs Platform module provides QML types for native platform extensions. These QML types work in conjunction with Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls.
The QML types can be imported into your application using the following import statement in your .qml file:
Qt.labs.platform 1.1
QML Types▲
ColorDialog: A native color dialog.
Dialog: The base class of native dialogs.
FileDialog: A native file dialog.
FolderDialog: A native folder dialog.
FontDialog: A native font dialog.
Menu: A native menu.
MenuBar: A native menubar.
MenuItem: A native menu item.
MenuItemGroup: A group for managing native menu items.
MenuSeparator: A native menu separator.
MessageDialog: A native message dialog.
StandardPaths: Provides access to the standard system paths.
SystemTrayIcon: A system tray icon.
Types in Qt.labs modules are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.