Qt Purchasing▲
Base64 Decoder: Apache License 2.0
In-app billing service: Apache License 2.0
Public Key Verification: Apache License 2.0
JavaScriptCore Macro Assembler: BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
JavaScriptCore Macro Assembler: BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
Qt Script▲
JavaScriptCore, version Snapshot from 2011-01-27: GNU Library General Public License v2 or later
Qt Virtual Keyboard▲
Lipi Toolkit, version 4.0.0: MIT License
OpenWnn: Apache License 2.0
PinyinIME: Apache License 2.0
Traditional Chinese IME (tcime): Apache License 2.0 and BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Qt Wayland Compositor▲
Wayland EGLStream Controller Protocol: MIT License
Wayland Fullscreen Shell Protocol, version unstable v1: MIT License
Wayland IVI Extension Protocol, version 1.9.1: MIT License
Wayland Linux Dmabuf Unstable V1 Protocol: MIT License
Wayland Protocol, version 1.16.0: MIT License
Wayland Scaler Protocol, version 2: MIT License
Wayland Text Input Protocol: HPND License
Wayland Viewporter Protocol, version 1: MIT License
Wayland XDG Output Protocol, version unstable v1, version 2: MIT License
Wayland XDG Shell Protocol, version 1.9.0: MIT License
Wayland xdg-decoration Protocol, version unstable v1, version 1: MIT License
Qt XML Patterns▲
XML Schema, version 2007/08: W3C Software Notice and Document License (2015-05-13)