<QtGlobal> - Global Qt Declarations

  • Header: QtGlobal

  • Group: <QtGlobal> is part of funclists

Detailed Description

The global declarations include types, functions and macros.

The type definitions are partly convenience definitions for basic types (some of which guarantee certain bit-sizes on all platforms supported by Qt), partly types related to Qt message handling. The functions are related to generating messages, Qt version handling and comparing and adjusting object values. And finally, some of the declared macros enable programmers to add compiler or platform specific code to their applications, while others are convenience macros for larger operations.


The header file declares several type definitions that guarantee a specified bit-size on all platforms supported by Qt for various basic types, for example qint8 which is a signed char guaranteed to be 8-bit on all platforms supported by Qt. The header file also declares the qlonglong type definition for long long int (__int64 on Windows).

Several convenience type definitions are declared: qreal for double or float, uchar for unsigned char, uint for unsigned int, ulong for unsigned long and ushort for unsigned short.

Finally, the QtMsgType definition identifies the various messages that can be generated and sent to a Qt message handler; QtMessageHandler is a type definition for a pointer to a function with the signature void myMessageHandler(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext &, const char *). QMessageLogContext class contains the line, file, and function the message was logged at. This information is created by the QMessageLogger class.


The <QtGlobal> header file contains several functions comparing and adjusting an object's value. These functions take a template type as argument: You can retrieve the absolute value of an object using the qAbs() function, and you can bound a given object's value by given minimum and maximum values using the qBound() function. You can retrieve the minimum and maximum of two given objects using qMin() and qMax() respectively. All these functions return a corresponding template type; the template types can be replaced by any other type.


int myValue = 10;
int minValue = 2;
int maxValue = 6;

int boundedValue = qBound(minValue, myValue, maxValue);
// boundedValue == 6

<QtGlobal> also contains functions that generate messages from the given string argument: qDebug(), qInfo(), qWarning(), qCritical(), and qFatal(). These functions call the message handler with the given message.


if (!driver()-&gt;isOpen() || driver()-&gt;isOpenError()) {