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Qt GUI C++ Classes

The Qt GUI module provides the basic enablers for graphical applications written with Qt.

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Qt GUI C++ Classes

The Qt GUI module provides the basic enablers for graphical applications written with Qt.


  • QPixelFormat: QPixelFormat is a class for describing different pixel layouts in graphics buffers.

  • QPixmapCache: The QPixmapCache class provides an application-wide cache for pixmaps.

  • QRgba64: The QRgba64 struct contains a 64-bit RGB color.

Detailed Description

The Qt GUI module provides classes for windowing system integration, event handling, OpenGL and OpenGL ES integration, Vulkan integration, 2D graphics, imaging, fonts and typography. These classes are used internally by Qt's user interface technologies and can also be used directly, for instance to write applications using low-level OpenGL ES graphics APIs.

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