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Integrating QML and C++

Provides instruction to integrate QML and C++.

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Integrating QML and C++

QML applications often need to handle more advanced and performance-intensive tasks in C++. The most common and quickest way to do this is to expose the C++ class to the QML runtime, provided the C++ implementation is derived from QObject. Assuming that you have Qt 5.7 or later installed, the following step-by-step instructions guide you through the process of using the C++ class, BackEnd, in a QML application:

  1. Create a new project using the "Qt Quick Application" template in Qt Creator

    Uncheck the With ui.qml file option in the Define Project Details section of New Project Wizard.

  2. Add a new C++ class called BackEnd to the project and replace its header file contents with:

    #ifndef BACKEND_H
    #define BACKEND_H
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QString>
    class BackEnd : public QObject
        Q_PROPERTY(QString userName READ userName WRITE setUserName NOTIFY userNameChanged)
        explicit BackEnd(QObject *parent = nullptr);
        QString userName();
        void setUserName(const QString &userName);
        void userNameChanged();
        QString m_userName;
    #endif // BACKEND_H

    The Q_PROPERTY macro declares a property that could be accessed from QML.

  3. Replace its C++ file contents with:

    #include "backend.h"
    BackEnd::BackEnd(QObject *parent) :
    QString BackEnd::userName()
        return m_userName;
    void BackEnd::setUserName(const QString &userName)
        if (userName == m_userName)
        m_userName = userName;
        emit userNameChanged();

    The setUserName function emits the userNameChanged signal every time m_userName value changes. The signal can be handled from QML using the onUserNameChanged handler.

  4. Include "backend.h" in main.cpp and register the class as a QML type under a import URL as shown below:

    #include <QGuiApplication>
    #include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
    #include "backend.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
        qmlRegisterType<BackEnd>("io.qt.examples.backend", 1, 0, "BackEnd");
        QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
        return app.exec();

    The BackEnd class is registered as a type, which is accessible from QML by importing the URL, "io.qt.examples.backend 1.0".

  5. Replace the contents of main.qml with the following code:

    import QtQuick 2.6
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
    import io.qt.examples.backend 1.0
    ApplicationWindow {
        id: root
        width: 300
        height: 480
        visible: true
        BackEnd {
            id: backend
        TextField {
            text: backend.userName
            placeholderText: qsTr("User name")
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            onTextChanged: backend.userName = text

    The BackEnd instance lets you access the userName property, which is updated when the TextField's text property changes.

Now the application can be run.

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Qt offers several methods to integrate C++ with QML, and the method discussed in this tutorial is just one of them. For more details about these methods, refer to Overview - QML and C++ Integration.

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