Qt Quick Particles QML Types▲
This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. To use these types, import the module with the following line:
QtQuick.Particles 2.13
For a simple overview of how the system can be used, see Using the Qt Quick Particle System.
For details on the performance characteristics see Qt Quick Particle System Performance.
Affector: Applies alterations to the attributes of logical particles at any point in their lifetime.
Age: For altering particle ages.
AngleDirection: For specifying a direction that varies in angle.
Attractor: For attracting particles towards a specific point.
CumulativeDirection: For specifying a direction made of other directions.
CustomParticle: For specifying shaders to paint particles.
Direction: For specifying a vector space.
EllipseShape: Represents an ellipse to other particle system elements.
Emitter: Emits logical particles.
Friction: For applying friction proportional to the particle's current velocity.
Gravity: For applying acceleration in an angle.
GroupGoal: For changing the state of a group of a particle.
ImageParticle: For visualizing logical particles using an image.
ItemParticle: For specifying a delegate to paint particles.
LineShape: Represents a line for affectors and emitters.
MaskShape: For representing an image as a shape to affectors and emitters.
Particle: Represents particles manipulated by emitters and affectors.
ParticleGroup: For setting attributes on a logical particle group.
ParticlePainter: For specifying how to paint particles.
ParticleSystem: A system which includes particle painter, emitter, and affector types.
PointDirection: For specifying a direction that varies in x and y components.
RectangleShape: For specifying an area for affectors and emitter.
Shape: Renders a path.
SpriteGoal: For changing the state of a sprite particle.
TargetDirection: For specifying a direction towards the target point.
TrailEmitter: Emits logical particles from other logical particles.
Turbulence: Provides fluid-like forces from a noise image.
Wander: For applying random particle trajectory.