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Focus Management in Qt Quick Controls

Overview of focus handling with Qt Quick Controls.

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Focus Management in Qt Quick Controls

Qt Quick Controls follows the standard Qt Quick focus system, while also providing some added convenience. For example, the focusPolicy property can be used to control the ways in which a control receives focus.

Focus Scope Controls

Qt Quick Controls offers a selection of controls that act as focus scopes:

  • ApplicationWindow: Styled top-level window with support for a header and footer.

  • ComboBox: Combined button and popup list for selecting options.

  • MenuBar: Provides a window menu bar.

  • Page: Styled page control with support for a header and footer.

  • Pane: Provides a background matching with the application style and theme.

  • Popup: Base type of popup-like user interface controls.

  • RangeSlider: Used to select a range of values by sliding two handles along a track.

  • ScrollView: Scrollable view.

  • SpinBox: Allows the user to select from a set of preset values.

  • SplitView: Lays out items with a draggable splitter between each item

  • StackView: Provides a stack-based navigation model.

  • SwipeView: Enables the user to navigate pages by swiping sideways.

  • TabBar: Allows the user to switch between different views or subtasks.

See Also

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