QVersionNumber Class▲
Header: QVersionNumber
Since: Qt 5.6
qmake: QT += core
Detailed Description▲
QVersionNumber version(1
, 2
, 3
); // 1.2.3
Member Function Documentation▲
[explicit] QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(const QVector<int> &seg)▲
Constructs a version number from the list of numbers contained in seg.
[explicit] QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(QVector<int> &&seg)▲
Move-constructs a version number from the list of numbers contained in seg.
This constructor is only enabled if the compiler supports C++11 move semantics.
QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(std::initializer_list<int> args)▲
Construct a version number from the std::initializer_list specified by args.
This constructor is only enabled if the compiler supports C++11 initializer lists.
[explicit] QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(int maj)▲
Constructs a QVersionNumber consisting of just the major version number maj.
[explicit] QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(int maj, int min)▲
Constructs a QVersionNumber consisting of the major and minor version numbers maj and min, respectively.
[explicit] QVersionNumber::QVersionNumber(int maj, int min, int mic)▲
Constructs a QVersionNumber consisting of the major, minor, and micro version numbers maj, min and mic, respectively.
[static] QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::commonPrefix(const QVersionNumber &v1, const QVersionNumber &v2)▲
QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::commonPrefix(const QVersionNumber &v1, const QVersionNumber &v2)
Returns a version number that is a parent version of both v1 and v2.
See Also▲
See also isPrefixOf()
[static] int QVersionNumber::compare(const QVersionNumber &v1, const QVersionNumber &v2)▲
Compares v1 with v2 and returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether v1 is less than, equal to, or greater than v2, respectively.
Comparisons are performed by comparing the segments of v1 and v2 starting at index 0 and working towards the end of the longer list.
QVersionNumber v1(1
, 2
QVersionNumber v2(1
, 2
, 0
compare =
compare(v1, v2); // compare == -1
[static] QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(const QString &string, int *suffixIndex = nullptr)▲
Constructs a QVersionNumber from a specially formatted string of non-negative decimal numbers delimited by a period (.).
Once the numerical segments have been parsed, the remainder of the string is considered to be the suffix string. The start index of that string will be stored in suffixIndex if it is not null.
QString string("5.4.0-alpha"
QVersionNumber version =
fromString(string, &
// version is 5.4.0
// suffixIndex is 5
See Also▲
See also isNull()
[static, since 5.10] QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(QLatin1String string, int *suffixIndex = nullptr)▲
This is an overloaded function.
Constructs a QVersionNumber from a specially formatted string of non-negative decimal numbers delimited by '.'.
Once the numerical segments have been parsed, the remainder of the string is considered to be the suffix string. The start index of that string will be stored in suffixIndex if it is not null.
QLatin1String string("5.4.0-alpha"
version =
fromString(string, &
// version is 5.4.0
// suffixIndex is 5
This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.
See Also▲
See also isNull()
[static, since 5.10] QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(QStringView string, int *suffixIndex = nullptr)▲
This is an overloaded function.
Constructs a QVersionNumber from a specially formatted string of non-negative decimal numbers delimited by '.'.
Once the numerical segments have been parsed, the remainder of the string is considered to be the suffix string. The start index of that string will be stored in suffixIndex if it is not null.
QString string("5.4.0-alpha"
QVersionNumber version =
fromString(string, &
// version is 5.4.0
// suffixIndex is 5
This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.
See Also▲
See also isNull()
bool QVersionNumber::isNormalized() const▲
Returns true if the version number does not contain any trailing zeros, otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also normalized()
bool QVersionNumber::isNull() const▲
Returns true if there are zero numerical segments, otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also segments()
bool QVersionNumber::isPrefixOf(const QVersionNumber &other) const▲
Returns true if the current version number is contained in the other version number, otherwise returns false.
QVersionNumber v1(5
, 3
QVersionNumber v2(5
, 3
, 1
value =
v1.isPrefixOf(v2); // true
See Also▲
See also commonPrefix()
int QVersionNumber::majorVersion() const▲
Returns the major version number, that is, the first segment. This function is equivalent to segmentAt(0). If this QVersionNumber object is null, this function returns 0.
See Also▲
int QVersionNumber::microVersion() const▲
Returns the micro version number, that is, the third segment. This function is equivalent to segmentAt(2). If this QVersionNumber object does not contain a micro number, this function returns 0.
See Also▲
int QVersionNumber::minorVersion() const▲
Returns the minor version number, that is, the second segment. This function is equivalent to segmentAt(1). If this QVersionNumber object does not contain a minor number, this function returns 0.
See Also▲
QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::normalized() const▲
Returns an equivalent version number but with all trailing zeros removed.
To check if two numbers are equivalent, use normalized() on both version numbers before performing the compare.
QVersionNumber v1(5
, 4
QVersionNumber v2(5
, 4
, 0
equivalent =
v1.normalized() ==
equal =
v1 ==
// equivalent is true
// equal is false
int QVersionNumber::segmentAt(int index) const▲
Returns the segement value at index. If the index does not exist, returns 0.
See Also▲
See also segments(), segmentCount()
int QVersionNumber::segmentCount() const▲
QVector<int> QVersionNumber::segments() const▲
Returns all of the numerical segments.
See Also▲
See also majorVersion(), minorVersion(), microVersion()
QString QVersionNumber::toString() const▲
Returns a string with all of the segments delimited by a period (.).
See Also▲
See also majorVersion(), minorVersion(), microVersion(), segments()
Related Non-Members▲
bool operator!=(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is not equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
bool operator<(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is less than rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QVersionNumber &version)▲
Writes the version number version to stream out.
Note that this has nothing to do with QDataStream::version().
bool operator<=(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is less than or equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
bool operator==(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
bool operator>(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is greater than rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
bool operator>=(const QVersionNumber &lhs, const QVersionNumber &rhs)▲
Returns true if lhs is greater than or equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.
See Also▲
See also QVersionNumber::compare()
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QVersionNumber &version)▲
Reads a version number from stream in and stores it in version.
Note that this has nothing to do with QDataStream::version().