CMake Commands in Qt6 Core▲
The following CMake commands are defined when Qt6::Core is loaded, for instance with
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
See Also▲
See also CMake Command Reference
qt_add_big_resources: Compiles big binary resources into object code.
qt_add_binary_resources: Creates an RCC file from a list of Qt resource files.
qt_add_executable: Creates and finalizes an application target of a platform-specific type.
qt_add_library: Creates and finalizes a library.
qt_add_plugin: Creates a Qt plugin target.
qt_add_resources: Compiles binary resources into source code.
qt_allow_non_utf8_sources: Prevents forcing source files to be treated as UTF-8 for Windows.
qt_android_add_apk_target: Defines a build target that runs androiddeployqt to produce an APK.
qt_android_apply_arch_suffix: Configures the target binary's name to include an architecture-specific suffix.
qt_android_generate_deployment_settings: Generates the deployment settings file needed by androiddeployqt.
qt_deploy_qt_conf: Write a qt.conf file at deployment time.
qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies: Deploy Qt plugins, Qt and non-Qt libraries needed by an executable.
qt_disable_unicode_defines: Prevents some unicode-related compiler definitions being set automatically on a target.
qt_extract_metatypes: Extracts metatypes from a Qt target and generates an associated metatypes.json file.
qt_finalize_project: Handles various common platform-specific tasks associated with a Qt project.
qt_finalize_target: Handles various common platform-specific tasks associated with Qt targets.
qt_generate_deploy_app_script: Generate a deployment script for an application.
qt_generate_moc: Calls moc on an input file.
qt_import_plugins: Specifies a custom set of plugins to import for a static Qt build.
qt_set_finalizer_mode: Customizes aspects of a target's finalization.
qt_standard_project_setup: Setup project-wide defaults to a standard arrangement.
qt_wrap_cpp: Creates .moc files from sources.