CMake Source File Properties in Qt6 Qml▲
CMake Commands know about the following CMake source file properties:
See Also▲
See also CMake Property Reference
QT_QMLTC_FILE_BASENAME: Specifies a non-default .h and .cpp file name.
QT_QML_INTERNAL_TYPE: Marks a QML file as providing an internal type.
QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE: Marks a QML file as providing a singleton type.
QT_QML_SKIP_CACHEGEN: Excludes a file from being compiled to byte code.
QT_QML_SKIP_QMLDIR_ENTRY: Excludes a file from being added as a type to the QML module's typeinfo file.
QT_QML_SKIP_QMLLINT: Prevents a file from being included in automatic qmllint processing.
QT_QML_SKIP_TYPE_COMPILER: Excludes a file from being compiled to C++ using qmltc.
QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME: Overrides the type name provided by the file.
QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSIONS: Specifies a custom set of versions for a type.