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Path to a custom Android package template.

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Path to a custom Android package template.

This property was introduced in Qt 6.0.

This property is in technology preview and may change in future releases.

This property is used only if targeting the Android platform.

Specifies the path for a custom Android package template. The Android package template contains:

  • AndroidManifest.xml file

  • build.gradle file and other Gradle scripts

  • res/values/libs.xml file

The path specified by this variable can contain custom Java classes under src directory. By default, the androiddeployqt tool copies the application template from the Qt for Android installation path into your project's build directory, then it copies the contents of the path specified by this variable on top of that, overwriting any existing files. For instance, you can make a custom AndroidManifest.xml for your application, then place this directly into the directory specified by this variable.

See Also

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