QAbstractAxis Class▲
Header: QAbstractAxis
Inherited By: QBarCategoryAxis, QColorAxis, QDateTimeAxis, QLogValueAxis, and QValueAxis
Instantiated By: qml-qtcharts-abstractaxis.xml
Inherits: QObject
Inherited By: QBarCategoryAxis, QColorAxis, QDateTimeAxis, QLogValueAxis, and QValueAxis
Detailed Description▲
Each series can be bound to one or more horizontal and vertical axes, but mixing axis types that would result in different domains is not supported, such as specifying QValueAxis and QLogValueAxis on the same orientation.
The properties and visibility of various axis elements, such as axis line, title, labels, grid lines, and shades, can be individually controlled.
Member Type Documentation▲
enum QAbstractAxis::AxisType▲
flags QAbstractAxis::AxisTypes
This enum type specifies the type of the axis object.
Constant |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeNoAxis |
0x0 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeValue |
0x1 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory |
0x2 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeCategory |
0x4 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeDateTime |
0x8 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeLogValue |
0x10 |
QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeColor |
0x20 |
The AxisTypes type is a typedef for QFlags<AxisType>. It stores an OR combination of AxisType values.
Property Documentation▲
[read-only] alignment : const Qt::Alignment▲
This property holds the alignment of the axis.
Can be Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight, Qt::AlignBottom, or Qt::AlignTop.
Access functions:
alignment() const
color : QColor▲
This property holds the color of the axis and tick marks.
Access functions:
linePenColor() const
void setLinePenColor( color)
Notifier signal:
void colorChanged( color)
gridLineColor : QColor▲
This property holds the color of the grid line.
Access functions:
void setGridLineColor(const &color)
Notifier signal:
void gridLineColorChanged(const &color)
gridLinePen : QPen▲
This property holds the pen used to draw the grid line.
Access functions:
gridLinePen() const
void setGridLinePen(const &pen)
Notifier signal:
void gridLinePenChanged(const &pen)
gridVisible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.
Access functions:
bool isGridLineVisible() const
void setGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
labelsAngle : int▲
This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.
Access functions:
int labelsAngle() const
void setLabelsAngle(int angle)
Notifier signal:
void labelsAngleChanged(int angle)
labelsBrush : QBrush▲
This property holds the brush used to draw the labels.
Only the color of the brush is relevant.
Access functions:
labelsBrush() const
void setLabelsBrush(const &brush)
Notifier signal:
void labelsBrushChanged(const &brush)
labelsColor : QColor▲
This property holds the color of the axis labels.
Access functions:
labelsColor() const
void setLabelsColor( color)
Notifier signal:
void labelsColorChanged( color)
labelsFont : QFont▲
This property holds the font of the axis labels.
Access functions:
labelsFont() const
void setLabelsFont(const &font)
Notifier signal:
void labelsFontChanged(const &font)
[read-only] labelsTruncated : const bool▲
Returns true if at least one label on the axis is truncated.
Returned value will not be accurate before the axis is shown.
Access functions:
bool labelsTruncated() const
Notifier signal:
void labelsTruncatedChanged(bool labelsTruncated)
labelsVisible : bool▲
This property holds whether axis labels are visible.
Access functions:
bool labelsVisible() const
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)
linePen : QPen▲
This property holds the pen used to draw the line.
Access functions:
linePen() const
void setLinePen(const &pen)
Notifier signal:
void linePenChanged(const &pen)
lineVisible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the axis line.
Access functions:
bool isLineVisible() const
void setLineVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)
minorGridLineColor : QColor▲
This property holds the color of the minor grid line.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
Access functions:
void setMinorGridLineColor(const &color)
Notifier signal:
void minorGridLineColorChanged(const &color)
minorGridLinePen : QPen▲
This property holds the pen used to draw the minor grid line.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
Access functions:
minorGridLinePen() const
void setMinorGridLinePen(const &pen)
Notifier signal:
void minorGridLinePenChanged(const &pen)
minorGridVisible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
Access functions:
bool isMinorGridLineVisible() const
void setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
[read-only] orientation : const Qt::Orientation▲
This property holds the orientation of the axis.
Fixed to either Qt::Horizontal or Qt::Vertical when the axis is added to a chart.
Access functions:
orientation() const
reverse : bool▲
This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.
By default, the value is false.
The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.
Access functions:
bool isReverse() const
void setReverse(bool reverse = true)
Notifier signal:
void reverseChanged(bool reverse)
shadesBorderColor : QColor▲
This property holds the border (pen) color of the axis shades.
Access functions:
shadesBorderColor() const
void setShadesBorderColor( color)
Notifier signal:
void shadesBorderColorChanged( color)
shadesBrush : QBrush▲
This property holds the brush used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).
Access functions:
shadesBrush() const
void setShadesBrush(const &brush)
Notifier signal:
void shadesBrushChanged(const &brush)
shadesColor : QColor▲
This property holds the fill (brush) color of the axis shades.
Access functions:
shadesColor() const
void setShadesColor( color)
Notifier signal:
void shadesColorChanged( color)
shadesPen : QPen▲
This property holds the pen used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).
Access functions:
shadesPen() const
void setShadesPen(const &pen)
Notifier signal:
void shadesPenChanged(const &pen)
shadesVisible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.
Access functions:
bool shadesVisible() const
void setShadesVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void shadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)
titleBrush : QBrush▲
This property holds the brush used to draw the title text.
Only the color of the brush is relevant.
Access functions:
titleBrush() const
void setTitleBrush(const &brush)
Notifier signal:
void titleBrushChanged(const &brush)
titleFont : QFont▲
This property holds the font of the title of the axis.
Access functions:
titleFont() const
void setTitleFont(const &font)
Notifier signal:
void titleFontChanged(const &font)
titleText : QString▲
This property holds the title of the axis.
Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.
Access functions:
titleText() const
void setTitleText(const &title)
Notifier signal:
void titleTextChanged(const &text)
titleVisible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the axis title.
By default, the value is true.
Access functions:
bool isTitleVisible() const
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)
truncateLabels : bool▲
This property holds the truncation state of labels.
Indicates whether labels should be truncated if there is no enough space for full text. It is equal to true by default.
Access functions:
bool truncateLabels() const
void setTruncateLabels(bool truncateLabels = true)
Notifier signal:
void truncateLabelsChanged(bool truncateLabels)
visible : bool▲
This property holds the visibility of the axis.
Access functions:
bool isVisible() const
void setVisible(bool visible = true)
Notifier signal:
void visibleChanged(bool visible)
Member Function Documentation▲
[virtual] QAbstractAxis::~QAbstractAxis()▲
Destructs the axis object. When the axis is added to a chart, the chart object takes ownership.
void QAbstractAxis::colorChanged(QColor color)▲
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis changes to color.
Notifier signal for property color.
void QAbstractAxis::gridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)▲
This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the grid line changes to color.
Notifier signal for property gridLineColor.
QPen QAbstractAxis::gridLinePen() const▲
Returns the pen used to draw the grid.
Getter function for property gridLinePen.
See Also▲
See also setGridLinePen()
void QAbstractAxis::gridLinePenChanged(const QPen &pen)▲
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the grid line changes to pen.
Notifier signal for property gridLinePen.
void QAbstractAxis::gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the grid lines of the axis changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property gridVisible.
void QAbstractAxis::hide()▲
Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines invisible.
void QAbstractAxis::labelsAngleChanged(int angle)▲
This signal is emitted when the angle of the axis labels changes to angle.
Notifier signal for property labelsAngle.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::labelsBrush() const▲
Returns the brush used to draw labels.
Getter function for property labelsBrush.
See Also▲
See also setLabelsBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::labelsBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)▲
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis labels changes to brush.
Notifier signal for property labelsBrush.
void QAbstractAxis::labelsColorChanged(QColor color)▲
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis labels changes to color.
Notifier signal for property labelsColor.
bool QAbstractAxis::labelsEditable() const▲
void QAbstractAxis::labelsEditableChanged(bool editable)▲
This signal is emitted when the editable state of the label changes.
QFont QAbstractAxis::labelsFont() const▲
Returns the font used to draw labels.
Getter function for property labelsFont.
See Also▲
See also setLabelsFont()
void QAbstractAxis::labelsFontChanged(const QFont &font)▲
This signal is emitted when the font of the axis labels changes to font.
Notifier signal for property labelsFont.
[since 6.2] void QAbstractAxis::labelsTruncatedChanged(bool labelsTruncated)▲
This signal is emitted in two cases; when the axis changes from having one or more truncated labels to having no truncated labels, and when the axis changes from having no truncated labels to having one or more truncated labels. Current state is identified by labelsTruncated.
Notifier signal for property labelsTruncated.
This function was introduced in Qt 6.2.
void QAbstractAxis::labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the labels of the axis changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property labelsVisible.
QPen QAbstractAxis::linePen() const▲
Returns the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks.
Getter function for property linePen.
See Also▲
See also setLinePen()
void QAbstractAxis::linePenChanged(const QPen &pen)▲
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the line of the axis changes to pen.
Notifier signal for property linePen.
void QAbstractAxis::lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis line changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property lineVisible.
void QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)▲
This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to color.
Notifier signal for property minorGridLineColor.
void QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePenChanged(const QPen &pen)▲
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to pen.
Notifier signal for property minorGridLinePen.
void QAbstractAxis::minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property minorGridVisible.
Qt::Orientation QAbstractAxis::orientation() const▲
Returns the orientation of the axis (vertical or horizontal).
Getter function for property orientation.
void QAbstractAxis::setGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)▲
Sets the pen used to draw the grid lines to pen.
Setter function for property gridLinePen.
See Also▲
See also gridLinePen()
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsBrush(const QBrush &brush)▲
Sets the brush used to draw labels to brush.
Setter function for property labelsBrush.
See Also▲
See also labelsBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsEditable(bool editable = true)▲
Sets axis labels editability to editable.
When the labels are editable the user will be able to change the range of the axis conveniently by editing any of the labels. This feature is only supported for the QValueAxis and the QDateTimeAxis.
By default, labels are not editable.
See Also▲
See also labelsEditable()
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsFont(const QFont &font)▲
Sets the font used to draw labels to font.
Setter function for property labelsFont.
See Also▲
See also labelsFont()
void QAbstractAxis::setLinePen(const QPen &pen)▲
Sets the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks to pen.
Setter function for property linePen.
See Also▲
See also linePen()
void QAbstractAxis::setLineVisible(bool visible = true)▲
Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.
Setter function for property lineVisible.
See Also▲
See also isLineVisible()
void QAbstractAxis::setMax(const QVariant &max)▲
Sets the maximum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the max parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setMin(const QVariant &min)▲
Sets the minimum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setRange(const QVariant &min, const QVariant &max)▲
Sets the range shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min and max parameters are converted to appropriate types of values. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesBrush(const QBrush &brush)▲
Sets the brush used to draw shades to brush.
Setter function for property shadesBrush.
See Also▲
See also shadesBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesPen(const QPen &pen)▲
Sets the pen used to draw shades to pen.
Setter function for property shadesPen.
See Also▲
See also shadesPen()
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleBrush(const QBrush &brush)▲
Sets the brush used to draw titles to brush.
Setter function for property titleBrush.
See Also▲
See also titleBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleFont(const QFont &font)▲
Sets the font used to draw titles to font.
Setter function for property titleFont.
See Also▲
See also titleFont()
void QAbstractAxis::setVisible(bool visible = true)▲
Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to visible.
Setter function for property visible.
See Also▲
See also isVisible()
void QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColorChanged(QColor color)▲
This signal is emitted when the border color of the axis shades changes to color.
Notifier signal for property shadesBorderColor.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::shadesBrush() const▲
Returns the brush used to draw shades.
Getter function for property shadesBrush.
See Also▲
See also setShadesBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::shadesBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)▲
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis shades changes to brush.
Notifier signal for property shadesBrush.
void QAbstractAxis::shadesColorChanged(QColor color)▲
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis shades changes to color.
Notifier signal for property shadesColor.
QPen QAbstractAxis::shadesPen() const▲
Returns the pen used to draw shades.
Getter function for property shadesPen.
See Also▲
See also setShadesPen()
void QAbstractAxis::shadesPenChanged(const QPen &pen)▲
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the axis shades changes to pen.
Notifier signal for property shadesPen.
void QAbstractAxis::shadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis shades changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property shadesVisible.
void QAbstractAxis::show()▲
Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines visible.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::titleBrush() const▲
Returns the brush used to draw titles.
Getter function for property titleBrush.
See Also▲
See also setTitleBrush()
void QAbstractAxis::titleBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)▲
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis title changes to brush.
Notifier signal for property titleBrush.
QFont QAbstractAxis::titleFont() const▲
Returns the font used to draw titles.
Getter function for property titleFont.
See Also▲
See also setTitleFont()
void QAbstractAxis::titleFontChanged(const QFont &font)▲
This signal is emitted when the font of the axis title changes to font.
Notifier signal for property titleFont.
void QAbstractAxis::titleTextChanged(const QString &text)▲
This signal is emitted when the text of the axis title changes to text.
Notifier signal for property titleText.
void QAbstractAxis::titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the title text of the axis changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property titleVisible.
[since 6.2] void QAbstractAxis::truncateLabelsChanged(bool truncateLabels)▲
This signal is emitted when the truncation of the labels changes to truncateLabels.
Notifier signal for property truncateLabels.
This function was introduced in Qt 6.2.
[pure virtual] QAbstractAxis::AxisType QAbstractAxis::type() const▲
Returns the type of the axis.
void QAbstractAxis::visibleChanged(bool visible)▲
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis changes to visible.
Notifier signal for property visible.