QAccessibleSelectionInterface Class▲
Header: QAccessibleSelectionInterface
Since: Qt 6.5
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Inherited By:
Group: QAccessibleSelectionInterface is part of accessibility
This class is under development and is subject to change.
Detailed Description▲
It provides methods for both, retrieving the current selection as well as modifying the selection.
Only selections of direct children are supported.
Member Function Documentation▲
[virtual] QAccessibleSelectionInterface::~QAccessibleSelectionInterface()▲
Destroys the QAccessibleSelectionInterface.
[pure virtual] bool QAccessibleSelectionInterface::clear()▲
Unselects all accessible child items.
Returns whether all accessible child items have actually been removed from the selection, i.e. whether the selection is empty after this method has been called.
[virtual] bool QAccessibleSelectionInterface::isSelected(QAccessibleInterface *childItem) const▲
Returns whether childItem is part of the current selection.
The default implementation checks whether childItem is contained in the list of items retrieved by QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectedItems.
[pure virtual] bool QAccessibleSelectionInterface::select(QAccessibleInterface *childItem)▲
Adds childItem to the selection. Returns whether childItem has actually been added to the selection.
For implementations that only allow single selections, this may replace the current selection.
[pure virtual] bool QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectAll()▲
Selects all accessible child items.
Returns whether all accessible child items have actually been added to the selection.
[virtual] QAccessibleInterface *QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectedItem(int selectionIndex) const▲
Returns the selected accessible item at index selectionIndex in the selection.
Note that the index refers to the n-th selected accessible item (i.e. the index in the current selection), which generally differs from the index that would be passed to QAccessibleInterface::child() in order to retrieve the same item.
The default implementation uses selectionIndex to retrieve the item from the list of selected items retrieved by QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectedItems().
In particular for implementations dealing with many selected items, reimplementing this method in a more efficient way may be desirable for performance reasons.
[pure virtual] int QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectedItemCount() const▲
Returns the total number of selected accessible items.
[pure virtual] QList<QAccessibleInterface *> QAccessibleSelectionInterface::selectedItems() const▲
Returns the list of selected accessible items.
[pure virtual] bool QAccessibleSelectionInterface::unselect(QAccessibleInterface *childItem)▲
Removes childItem from the selection.
Returns whether the accessible item has actually been removed from the selection.