QBitmap Class

  • Header: QBitmap

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)

  • qmake: QT += gui

  • Inherits: QPixmap

  • Group: QBitmap is part of Painting Classes, shared

Detailed Description

The QBitmap class is a monochrome off-screen paint device used mainly for creating custom QCursor and QBrush objects, constructing QRegion objects, and for setting masks for pixmaps and widgets.

QBitmap is a QPixmap subclass ensuring a depth of 1, except for null objects which have a depth of 0. If a pixmap with a depth greater than 1 is assigned to a bitmap, the bitmap will be dithered automatically.

Use the QColor objects Qt::color0 and Qt::color1 when drawing on a QBitmap object (or a QPixmap object with depth 1).

Painting with Qt::color0 sets the bitmap bits to 0, and painting with Qt::color1 sets the bits to 1. For a bitmap, 0-bits indicate background (or transparent pixels) and 1-bits indicate foreground (or opaque pixels). Use the clear() function to set all the bits to Qt::color0. Note that using the Qt::black and Qt::white colors make no sense because the QColor::pixel() value is not necessarily 0 for black and 1 for white.

The QBitmap class provides the transformed() function returning a transformed copy of the bitmap; use the QTransform argument to translate, scale, shear, and rotate the bitmap. In addition, QBitmap provides the static fromData() function which returns a bitmap constructed from the given uchar data, and the static fromImage() function returning a converted copy of a QImage object.

Just like the QPixmap class, QBitmap is optimized by the use of implicit data sharing. For more information, see the Implicit Data Sharing documentation.

See Also

Member Function Documentation



Constructs a null bitmap.

See Also

See also QPixmap::isNull()

QBitmap::QBitmap(int width, int height)

Constructs a bitmap with the given width and height. The pixels inside are uninitialized.

See Also

See also clear()

[explicit] QBitmap::QBitmap(const QString &fileName, const char *format = nullptr)

Constructs a bitmap from the file specified by the given fileName. If the file does not exist, or has an unknown format, the bitmap becomes a null bitmap.

The fileName and format parameters are passed on to the QPixmap::load() function. If the file format uses more than 1 bit per pixel, the resulting bitmap will be dithered automatically.

See Also

See also QPixmap::isNull(),