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QCollatorSortKey Class

The QCollatorSortKey class can be used to speed up string collation.

This class was introduced in Qt 5.2.

All functions in this class are reentrant.

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QCollatorSortKey Class

  • Header: QCollatorSortKey

  • Since: Qt 5.2

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)

  • qmake: QT += core

  • Group: QCollatorSortKey is part of i18n, string-processing, Implicitly Shared Classes

Detailed Description

The QCollatorSortKey class is always created by QCollator::sortKey() and is used for fast strings collation, for example when collating many strings.

See Also

Member Function Documentation


QCollatorSortKey::QCollatorSortKey(const QCollatorSortKey &other)

Constructs a copy of the other collator key.


Destroys the collator key.

int QCollatorSortKey::compare(const QCollatorSortKey &otherKey) const

Compares this key to otherKey, which must have been created by the same QCollator's sortKey() as this key. The comparison is performed in accordance with that QCollator's sort order.

Returns a negative value if this key sorts before otherKey, 0 if the two keys are equal or a positive value if this key sorts after otherKey.

See Also

See also operator<()

void QCollatorSortKey::swap(QCollatorSortKey &other)

Swaps this collator key with other.

QCollatorSortKey &QCollatorSortKey::operator=(const QCollatorSortKey &other)

Assigns other to this collator key.

QCollatorSortKey &QCollatorSortKey::operator=(QCollatorSortKey &&other)

Move-assigns other to this collator key.

Related Non-Members


bool operator<(const QCollatorSortKey &lhs, const QCollatorSortKey &rhs)

Both keys must have been created by the same QCollator's sortKey(). Returns true if lhs should be sorted before rhs, according to the QCollator that created them; otherwise returns false.

See Also

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