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QDnsMailExchangeRecord Class

The QDnsMailExchangeRecord class stores information about a DNS MX record.

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QDnsMailExchangeRecord Class

  • Header: QDnsMailExchangeRecord

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Network)

  • qmake: QT += network

  • Group: QDnsMailExchangeRecord is part of Network Programming API, shared

Detailed Description

When performing a lookup on a service, zero or more records will be returned. Each record is represented by a QDnsMailExchangeRecord instance.

The meaning of the fields is defined in RFC 1035.

See Also

See also QDnsLookup

Member Function Documentation



Constructs an empty mail exchange record object.

QDnsMailExchangeRecord::QDnsMailExchangeRecord(const QDnsMailExchangeRecord &other)

Constructs a copy of other.


Destroys a mail exchange record.

QString QDnsMailExchangeRecord::exchange() const

Returns the domain name of the mail exchange for this record.

QString QDnsMailExchangeRecord::name() const

Returns the name for this record.

quint16 QDnsMailExchangeRecord::preference() const

Returns the preference for this record.

void QDnsMailExchangeRecord::swap(QDnsMailExchangeRecord &other)

Swaps this mail exchange record with other. This function is very fast and never fails.

quint32 QDnsMailExchangeRecord::timeToLive() const

Returns the duration in seconds for which this record is valid.

QDnsMailExchangeRecord &QDnsMailExchangeRecord::operator=(const QDnsMailExchangeRecord &other)

Assigns the data of the other object to this record object, and returns a reference to it.

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