QGeoShape Class▲
Header: QGeoShape
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Positioning)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Positioning)
qmake: QT += positioning
Inherited By: QGeoCircle, QGeoPath, QGeoPolygon, and QGeoRectangle
Group: QGeoShape is part of QtPositioning-positioning
Detailed Description▲
This class is the base class for classes which specify a geographic area.
For the sake of consistency, subclasses should describe the specific details of the associated areas in terms of QGeoCoordinate instances and distances in meters.
This class is a Q_GADGET since Qt 5.5. It can be directly used from C++ and QML.
Member Type Documentation▲
enum QGeoShape::ShapeType▲
Property Documentation▲
[read-only] isEmpty : const bool▲
This property defines whether this geo shape is empty.
An empty geo shape is a region which has a geometrical area of 0.
While this property is introduced in Qt 5.5, the related accessor functions exist since the first version of this class.
Access functions:
bool isEmpty() const
[read-only] isValid : const bool▲
This property holds the validity of the geo shape.
A geo shape is considered to be invalid if some of the data that is required to unambiguously describe the geo shape has not been set or has been set to an unsuitable value depending on the subclass of this object. The default constructed objects of this type are invalid.
While this property is introduced in Qt 5.5, the related accessor functions exist since the first version of this class.
Access functions:
bool isValid() const
[read-only] type : const ShapeType▲
This property holds the type of this geo shape.
While this property is introduced in Qt 5.5, the related accessor functions exist since the first version of this class.
Access functions:
type() const
Member Function Documentation▲
Constructs a new invalid geo shape of UnknownType.
QGeoShape::QGeoShape(const QGeoShape &other)▲
Constructs a new geo shape which is a copy of other.
Destroys this geo shape.
QGeoRectangle QGeoShape::boundingGeoRectangle() const▲
Returns a QGeoRectangle representing the geographical bounding rectangle of the geo shape, that defines the latitudinal/longitudinal bounds of the geo shape.
QGeoCoordinate QGeoShape::center() const▲
Returns the coordinate located at the geometric center of the geo shape.
Getter function for property center.
bool QGeoShape::contains(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const▲
Returns whether the coordinate coordinate is contained within this geo shape.
bool QGeoShape::isEmpty() const▲
Returns whether this geo shape is empty.
An empty geo shape is a region which has a geometrical area of 0.
Getter function for property isEmpty.
bool QGeoShape::isValid() const▲
Returns whether this geo shape is valid.
Getter function for property isValid.
QString QGeoShape::toString() const▲
Returns a string representation of this geo shape.
QGeoShape::ShapeType QGeoShape::type() const▲
Returns the type of this geo shape.
Getter function for property type.
QGeoShape &QGeoShape::operator=(const QGeoShape &other)▲
Assigns other to this geo shape and returns a reference to this geo shape.
Related Non-Members▲
size_t qHash(const QGeoShape &shape, size_t seed = 0)▲
Returns the hash value for the shape, using seed for the calculation.
bool operator!=(const QGeoShape &lhs, const QGeoShape &rhs)▲
Returns true if the lhs geo shape is not equivalent to the rhs geo shape, otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const QGeoShape &lhs, const QGeoShape &rhs)▲
Returns true if the lhs geo shape is equivalent to the rhs geo shape, otherwise returns false.