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QHelpSearchResult Class

The QHelpSearchResult class provides the data associated with the search result.

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QHelpSearchResult Class

  • Header: QHelpSearchResult

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Help)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Help)

  • qmake: QT += help

Detailed Description

The QHelpSearchResult object is a data object that describes a single search result. The vector of search result objects is returned by QHelpSearchEngine::searchResults(). The description of the search result contains the document title and URL that the search input matched. It also contains the snippet from the document content containing the best match of the search input.

See Also

Member Function Documentation



Constructs a new empty QHelpSearchResult.

QHelpSearchResult::QHelpSearchResult(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &snippet)

Constructs the search result containing url, title and snippet as the description of the result.

QHelpSearchResult::QHelpSearchResult(const QHelpSearchResult &other)

Constructs a copy of other.


Destroys the search result.

QString QHelpSearchResult::snippet() const

Returns the document snippet containing the search phrase of the search result.

QString QHelpSearchResult::title() const

Returns the document title of the search result.

QUrl QHelpSearchResult::url() const

Returns the document URL of the search result.

QHelpSearchResult &QHelpSearchResult::operator=(const QHelpSearchResult &other)

Assigns other to this search result and returns a reference to this search result.

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