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QHttpServerRouterRule Class

The QHttpServerRouterRule is the base class for QHttpServerRouter rules.

This class was introduced in Qt 6.4.

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QHttpServerRouterRule Class

  • Header: QHttpServerRouterRule

  • Since: Qt 6.4

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS HttpServer)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::HttpServer)

  • qmake: QT += httpserver

Detailed Description

Use QHttpServerRouterRule to specify expected request parameters:






methods QHttpServerRequest::Methods


User-defined response callback

This is a low level API, see QHttpServer for higher level alternatives.

Example of QHttpServerRouterRule and QHttpServerRouter usage:

template<typename ViewHandler>
void route(const char *path, const QHttpServerRequest::Methods methods, ViewHandler &&viewHandler)
    auto rule = std::make_unique<QHttpServerRouterRule>(
            path, methods, [this, viewHandler = std::forward<ViewHandler>(viewHandler)]
                                               (QRegularExpressionMatch &match,
                                                const QHttpServerRequest &request,
                                                QHttpServerResponder &&responder) mutable {
        auto boundViewHandler = router.bindCaptured<ViewHandler>(
                std::move(viewHandler), match);
        // call viewHandler

    // QHttpServerRouter

// Valid:
route("/user/", [] (qint64 id) { } );                            // "/user/1"
                                                                 // "/user/3"
route("/user/<arg>/history", [] (qint64 id) { } );               // "/user/1/history"
                                                                 // "/user/2/history"
route("/user/<arg>/history/", [] (qint64 id, qint64 page) { } ); // "/user/1/history/1"
                                                                 // "/user/2/history/2"

// Invalid:
route("/user/<arg>", [] () { } );  // ERROR: path pattern has <arg>, but ViewHandler does not have any arguments
route("/user/\\d+", [] () { } );   // ERROR: path pattern does not support manual regexp

Regular expressions in the path pattern are not supported, but can be registered (to match a use of "<val>" to a specific type) using QHttpServerRouter::addConverter().

Member Type Documentation


[alias] QHttpServerRouterRule::RouterHandler

Type alias for std::function<void(const QRegularExpressionMatch &,const QHttpServerRequest &, QHttpServerResponder &&)>

Member Function Documentation


[explicit] QHttpServerRouterRule::QHttpServerRouterRule(const QString &pathPattern, QHttpServerRouterRule::RouterHandler routerHandler)

Constructs a rule with pathPattern pathPattern, and routerHandler routerHandler.

The rule accepts all HTTP methods by default.

See Also

[explicit] QHttpServerRouterRule::QHttpServerRouterRule(const QString &pathPattern, const QHttpServerRequest::Methods methods, QHttpServerRouterRule::RouterHandler routerHandler)

Constructs a rule with pathPattern pathPattern, methods methods and routerHandler routerHandler.

The rule accepts any combinations of available HTTP methods.

See Also

[virtual] QHttpServerRouterRule::~QHttpServerRouterRule()

Destroys a QHttpServerRouterRule.

[protected] bool QHttpServerRouterRule::exec(const QHttpServerRequest &request, QHttpServerResponder &responder) const

Executes this rule for the given request, if it matches.

This function is called by QHttpServerRouter when it receives a new request. If the given request matches this rule, this function handles the request by delivering a response to the given responder, then returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

[protected] bool QHttpServerRouterRule::hasValidMethods() const

Returns true if the methods is valid

[virtual protected] bool QHttpServerRouterRule::matches(const QHttpServerRequest &request, QRegularExpressionMatch *match) const

Determines whether a given request matches this rule.

This virtual function is called by exec() to check if request matches this rule. If a match is found, it is stored in the object pointed to by match (which must not be nullptr) and this function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

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