QImageReader Class▲
Header: QImageReader
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Group: QImageReader is part of Painting Classes
Detailed Description▲
The most common way to read images is through QImage and QPixmap's constructors, or by calling QImage::load() and QPixmap::load(). QImageReader is a specialized class which gives you more control when reading images. For example, you can read an image into a specific size by calling setScaledSize(), and you can select a clip rect, effectively loading only parts of an image, by calling setClipRect(). Depending on the underlying support in the image format, this can save memory and speed up loading of images.
To read an image, you start by constructing a QImageReader object. Pass either a file name or a device pointer, and the image format to QImageReader's constructor. You can then set several options, such as the clip rect (by calling setClipRect()) and scaled size (by calling setScaledSize()). canRead() returns the image if the QImageReader can read the image (i.e., the image format is supported and the device is open for reading). Call read() to read the image.
If any error occurs when reading the image, read() will return a null QImage. You can then call error() to find the type of error that occurred, or errorString() to get a human readable description of what went wrong.
QImageReader assumes exclusive control over the file or device that is assigned. Any attempts to modify the assigned file or device during the lifetime of the QImageReader object will yield undefined results.
Call supportedImageFormats() for a list of formats that QImageReader can read. QImageReader supports all built-in image formats, in addition to any image format plugins that support reading. Call supportedMimeTypes() to obtain a list of supported MIME types, which for example can be passed to QFileDialog::setMimeTypeFilters().
QImageReader autodetects the image format by default, by looking at the provided (optional) format string, the file name suffix, and the data stream contents. You can enable or disable this feature, by calling