QMediaMetaData Class▲
Header: QMediaMetaData
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Multimedia)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia)
qmake: QT += multimedia
Inherited By:
Detailed Description▲
Not all identifiers are supported on all platforms.
Common attributes |
Value |
Description |
Type |
Title |
The title of the media. |
Author |
The authors of the media. |
Comment |
A user comment about the media. |
Description |
A description of the media. |
Genre |
The genre of the media. |
Date |
The date of the media. |
Language |
The language of media. |
Publisher |
The publisher of the media. |
Copyright |
The media's copyright notice. |
Url |
A Url pointing to the origin of the media. |
Media attributes |
The type of the media (audio, video, etc). |
The file format of the media. |
Duration |
The duration in millseconds of the media. |
qint64 |
Audio attributes |
The bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per second. |
int |
The codec of the media's audio stream. |
Video attributes |
The frame rate of the media's video stream. |
qreal |
The bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per second. |
int |
The codec of the media's video stream. |
Music attributes |
The title of the album the media belongs to. |
The principal artist of the album the media belongs to. |
The artists contributing to the media. |
The track number of the media. |
int |
Composer |
The composer of the media. |
The lead performer in the media. |
An embedded thumbnail image. |
An embedded cover art image. |
Image and video attributes |
Orientation |
The rotation angle of an image or video. |
int |
Resolution |
The dimensions of an image or video. |
Member Type Documentation▲
enum QMediaMetaData::Key▲
The following meta data keys can be used:
Constant |
Value |
Description |
QMediaMetaData::Title |
0 |
Media title |
QMediaMetaData::Author |
1 |
Media author |
QMediaMetaData::Comment |
2 |
Comment |
QMediaMetaData::Description |
3 |
Brief desripttion |
QMediaMetaData::Genre |
4 |
Genre the media belongs to |
QMediaMetaData::Date |
5 |
Creation date |
QMediaMetaData::Language |
6 |
Media language |
QMediaMetaData::Publisher |
7 |
Media publisher info. |
QMediaMetaData::Copyright |
8 |
Media copyright info. |
QMediaMetaData::Url |
9 |
Publisher's website URL |
QMediaMetaData::Duration |
10 |
Media playback duration |
QMediaMetaData::MediaType |
11 |
Type of the media |
QMediaMetaData::FileFormat |
12 |
File format |
QMediaMetaData::AudioBitRate |
13 |
QMediaMetaData::AudioCodec |
14 |
QMediaMetaData::VideoBitRate |
15 |
QMediaMetaData::VideoCodec |
16 |
QMediaMetaData::VideoFrameRate |
17 |
QMediaMetaData::AlbumTitle |
18 |
Album's title |
QMediaMetaData::AlbumArtist |
19 |
Artist's info. |
QMediaMetaData::ContributingArtist |
20 |
QMediaMetaData::TrackNumber |
21 |
QMediaMetaData::Composer |
22 |
Media composer's info. |
QMediaMetaData::LeadPerformer |
23 |
QMediaMetaData::ThumbnailImage |
24 |
Media thumbnail image |
QMediaMetaData::CoverArtImage |
25 |
Media cover art |
QMediaMetaData::Orientation |
26 |
QMediaMetaData::Resolution |
27 |
Member Function Documentation▲
void QMediaMetaData::clear()▲
Removes all data from the meta data object.
void QMediaMetaData::insert(QMediaMetaData::Key k, const QVariant &value)▲
Inserts a value into a Key: k.
bool QMediaMetaData::isEmpty() const▲
Returns true if the meta data contains no items: otherwise returns false.
[static protected] QMetaType QMediaMetaData::keyType(QMediaMetaData::Key key)▲
Returns the meta type used to store data for Key key.
QList<QMediaMetaData::Key> QMediaMetaData::keys() const▲
Returns a QList of QMediaMetaData::Keys.
[static] QString QMediaMetaData::metaDataKeyToString(QMediaMetaData::Key key)▲
returns a string representation of key that can be used when presenting meta data to users.
void QMediaMetaData::remove(QMediaMetaData::Key k)▲
Removes meta data from a Key: k.
QString QMediaMetaData::stringValue(QMediaMetaData::Key key) const▲
Returns the meta data for key key as a QString.
This is mainly meant to simplify presenting the meta data to a user.
QVariant QMediaMetaData::value(QMediaMetaData::Key key) const▲
Returns the meta data value for Key key, or a null QVariant if no meta data for the key is available.
QVariant &QMediaMetaData::operator[](QMediaMetaData::Key k)▲
Returns data stored at the Key k.
QMediaMetaData rockBallad1;
Member Variable Documentation▲
QHash<QMediaMetaData::Key, QVariant> QMediaMetaData::data▲
This variable holds the meta data.
this is a protected member of its class.
Related Non-Members▲
bool operator!=(const QMediaMetaData &a, const QMediaMetaData &b)▲
Compares two meta data objects a and b, and returns false if they are identical or true if they differ.
bool operator==(const QMediaMetaData &a, const QMediaMetaData &b)▲
Compares two meta data objects a and b, and returns true if they are identical or false if they differ.