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Qt Widgets Reference Documentation.

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Macro Documentation


QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(int argc, char **argv, const char *version)

This macro can be used to ensure that the application is run with a recent enough version of Qt. This is especially useful if your application depends on a specific bug fix introduced in a bug-fix release (for example, 6.1.2).

The argc and argv parameters are the main() function's argc and argv parameters. The version parameter is a string literal that specifies which version of Qt the application requires (for example, "6.1.2").


#include &lt;QApplication&gt;
#include &lt;QMessageBox&gt;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(argc, argv, "4.0.2")

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    return app.exec();

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