mediaMetaData QML Value Type▲
Import Statement: import QtMultimedia
Group: mediaMetaData is part of qmlvaluetypes, multimedia_qml, multimedia_audio_qml, multimedia_video_qml
Detailed Description▲
Meta-data is supplementary data describing media. See QMediaMetaData for available meta data attributes.
Method Documentation▲
void clear()▲
Removes all data from the MediaMetaData object.
void insert(Key k, variant value)▲
Inserts a value into a Key: k.
bool isEmpty()▲
Returns true if the meta data contains no items: otherwise returns false.
list<Key> keys()▲
Returns a list of MediaMetaData.Keys.
string metaDataKeyToString(Key key)▲
returns a string representation of key that can be used when presenting meta data to users.
void remove(Key k)▲
Removes meta data from a Key: k.
string stringValue(Key key)▲
Returns the meta data for key key as a QString.
This is mainly meant to simplify presenting the meta data to a user.
variant value(Key key)▲
Returns the meta data value for Key key, or a null QVariant if no meta-data for the key is available.