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Menu QML Type


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Menu QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt.labs.platform

  • Inherits: QtObject

Detailed Description

The Menu type provides a QML API for native platform menu popups.

Image non disponible

Menu can be used in a MenuBar, or as a stand-alone context menu. The following example shows how to open a context menu on right mouse click:

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton

Menu {
    id: zoomMenu

    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("Zoom In")
        shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomIn
        onTriggered: zoomIn()

    MenuItem {
        text: qsTr("Zoom Out")
        shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomOut
        onTriggered: zoomOut()


Menu {
    title: qsTr("Edit")

    Menu {
        title: qsTr("Advanced")

        MenuItem {
            text: qsTr("Auto-indent Selection")
            onTriggered: autoIndentSelection()

        MenuItem {
            text: qsTr("Rewrap Paragraph")
            onTriggered: rewrapParagraph()

Dynamically generating menu items

You can dynamically generate menu items with Instantiator. The following code shows how you can implement a "Recent Files" submenu, where the items come from a list of files stored in settings:

Menu {
    title: qsTr("File")

    Menu {
        id: recentFilesMenu
        title: qsTr("Recent Files")
        enabled: recentFilesInstantiator.count > 0

        Instantiator {
            id: recentFilesInstantiator
            model: settings.recentFiles
            delegate: MenuItem {
                text: settings.displayableFilePath(modelData)
                onTriggered: loadFile(modelData)

            onObjectAdded: (index, object) => recentFilesMenu.insertItem(index, object)
            onObjectRemoved: (index, object) => recentFilesMenu.removeItem(object)

        MenuSeparator {}

        MenuItem {
            text: qsTr("Clear Recent Files")
            onTriggered: settings.clearRecentFiles()


A native platform menu is currently available on the following platforms:

  • macOS

  • iOS

  • Android

  • Linux (only available as a stand-alone context menu when running with the GTK+ platform theme)

The Qt Labs Platform module uses Qt Widgets as a fallback on platforms that do not have a native implementation available. Therefore, applications that use types from the Qt Labs Platform module should link to QtWidgets and use QApplication instead of QGuiApplication.

To link against the QtWidgets library, add the following to your qmake project file:

QT += widgets

Create an instance of QApplication in main():

#include <QApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    return app.exec();

Types in Qt.labs modules are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.

See Also

Property Documentation


[default] data : list<QtObject>

This default property holds the list of all objects declared as children of the menu. The data property includes objects that are not MenuItem instances, such as Timer and QtObject.

See Also

See also items

enabled : bool

This property holds whether the menu is enabled. The default value is true.

font : font

This property holds the menu's font.

See Also

See also title

icon group

[since Qt.labs.platform 1.1 (Qt 5.12)] icon.mask : bool

[since Qt.labs.platform 1.1 (Qt 5.12)] : string

[since Qt.labs.platform 1.1 (Qt 5.12)] icon.source : url

This property holds the menu item's icon.

This QML property was introduced in Qt.labs.platform 1.1 (Qt 5.12).

items : list<MenuItem>

This property holds the list of items in the menu.

[read-only] menuBar : MenuBar

[read-only] menuItem : MenuItem

minimumWidth : int

This property holds the minimum width of the menu. The default value is -1 (no minimum width).

[read-only] parentMenu : Menu

This property holds the parent menu that the menu belongs to, or null if the menu is not a sub-menu.

[read-only] systemTrayIcon : SystemTrayIcon

This property holds the system tray icon that the menu belongs to, or null if the menu is not in a system tray icon.

title : string

This property holds the menu's title.

type : enumeration

This property holds the type of the menu.

Available values:




A normal menu (default).


An edit menu with pre-populated cut, copy and paste items.

visible : bool

This property holds whether the menu is visible. The default value is true.

Signal Documentation



This signal is emitted when the menu is about to be hidden from the user.

The corresponding handler is onAboutToHide.


This signal is emitted when the menu is about to be shown to the user.

The corresponding handler is onAboutToShow.

Method Documentation


void addItem(MenuItem item)

Adds an item to the end of the menu.

void addMenu(Menu submenu)

Adds a submenu to the end of the menu.

void clear()

Removes all items from the menu.

void close()

Closes the menu.

void insertItem(int index, MenuItem item)

Inserts an item at the specified index in the menu.

void insertMenu(int index, Menu submenu)

Inserts a submenu at the specified index in the menu.

void open(MenuItem item)

Opens the menu at the current mouse position, optionally aligned to a menu item.

void open(Item target, MenuItem item)

Opens the menu at the specified target item, optionally aligned to a menu item.

void removeItem(MenuItem item)

Removes an item from the menu.

void removeMenu(Menu submenu)

Removes a submenu from the menu.

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