ConeGeometry QML Type▲
Import Statement: import Qt3D.Extras 2.5
Instantiates:: QConeGeometry
Detailed Description▲
The ConeGeometry type is most commonly used internally by the ConeMesh type but can also be used in custom GeometryRenderer types. The ConeGeometry type allows for creation of both a cone and a truncated cone.
Property Documentation▲
bottomRadius : real▲
Holds the bottom radius of the cone.
hasBottomEndcap : bool▲
Determines if the cone bottom is capped or open.
hasTopEndcap : bool▲
Determines if the cone top is capped or open.
[read-only] indexAttribute : Attribute▲
Holds the geometry index attribute.
length : real▲
Holds the length of the cone.
[read-only] normalAttribute : Attribute▲
Holds the geometry normal attribute.
[read-only] positionAttribute : Attribute▲
Holds the geometry position attribute.
rings : int▲
Holds the number of rings in the geometry.
slices : int▲
Holds the number of slices in the geometry.
[read-only] texCoordAttribute : Attribute▲
Holds the geometry texture coordinate attribute.
topRadius : real▲
Holds the top radius of the cone.