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PlaneGeometry QML Type

PlaneGeometry allows creation of a plane in 3D space.

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PlaneGeometry QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt3D.Extras 2.5

  • Instantiates:: QPlaneGeometry

Detailed Description

The PlaneGeometry type is most commonly used internally by the PlaneMesh type but can also be used in custom GeometryRenderer types.

Property Documentation


height : real

Holds the plane height.

[read-only] indexAttribute : Attribute

Holds the geometry index attribute.

mirrored : bool

Controls if the UV coordinates of the plane should be flipped vertically.

[read-only] normalAttribute : Attribute

Holds the geometry normal attribute.

[read-only] positionAttribute : Attribute

Holds the geometry position attribute.

resolution : size

Holds the plane resolution.

[read-only] tangentAttribute : Attribute

Holds the geometry tangent attribute.

[read-only] texCoordAttribute : Attribute

Holds the geometry texture coordinate attribute.

width : real

Holds the plane width.

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