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SkyboxEntity QML Type

SkyboxEntity is a convenience Entity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene.

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SkyboxEntity QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt3D.Extras 2.5

  • Instantiates:: QSkyboxEntity

Detailed Description

By specifying a base name and an extension, SkyboxEntity will take care of building a TextureCubeMap to be rendered at runtime. The images in the source directory should match the pattern: base name + * "_posx|_posy|_posz|_negx|_negy|_negz" + extension

By default the extension defaults to .png.

Be sure to disable frustum culling in the FrameGraph through which the skybox rendering happens.

Please note that you shouldn't try to render a skybox with an orthographic projection.

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