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KeyboardHandler QML Type


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KeyboardHandler QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt3D.Input 2.5

  • Inherits: Component3D

  • Instantiates:: QKeyboardHandler

Detailed Description


Property Documentation


focus : bool


sourceDevice : KeyboardDevice


Signal Documentation


asteriskPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the * key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onAsteriskPressed.

backPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the back key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onBackPressed.

backtabPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the backtab key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onBacktabPressed.

callPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the call key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onCallPressed.

cancelPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the cancel key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onCancelPressed.

context1Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the context 1 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onContext1Pressed.

context2Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the context 2 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onContext2Pressed.

context3Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the context 2 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onContext3Pressed.

context4Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the context 4 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onContext4Pressed.

deletePressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the delete key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDeletePressed.

digit0Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 0 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit0Pressed.

digit1Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 1 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit1Pressed.

digit2Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 2 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit2Pressed.

digit3Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 3 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit3Pressed.

digit4Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 4 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit4Pressed.

digit5Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 5 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit5Pressed.

digit6Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 6 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit6Pressed.

digit7Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 7 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit7Pressed.

digit8Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 8 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit8Pressed.

digit9Pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the 9 key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDigit9Pressed.

downPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the down key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onDownPressed.

enterPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the enter key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onEnterPressed.

escapePressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the escape key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onEscapePressed.

flipPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the flip key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onFlipPressed.

hangupPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the hangup key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onHangupPressed.

leftPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the left key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onLeftPressed.

menuPressed(KeyEvent event)

The corresponding handler is onMenuPressed.

noPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the yes key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onNoPressed.

numberSignPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the number sign key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onNumberSignPressed.

pressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when a key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onPressed.

released(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when a key is released with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onReleased.

returnPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the return key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onReturnPressed.

rightPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the right key is pressed with the event details being contained within event

The corresponding handler is onRightPressed.

selectPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the select key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onSelectPressed.

spacePressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the space key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onSpacePressed.

tabPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the tab key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onTabPressed.

upPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the up key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onUpPressed.

volumeDownPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the volume down key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onVolumeDownPressed.

volumeUpPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the volume up key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onVolumeUpPressed.

yesPressed(KeyEvent event)

This signal is emitted when the yes key is pressed with the event details being contained within event.

The corresponding handler is onYesPressed.

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