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AbstractTexture QML Type

A base class to be used to provide textures.

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AbstractTexture QML Type

Detailed Description

The AbstractTexture class shouldn't be used directly but rather through one of its subclasses. Each subclass implements a given texture target (2D, 2DArray, 3D, CubeMap ...) Each subclass provides a set of functors for each layer, cube map face and mipmap level. In turn the backend uses those functor to properly fill a corresponding OpenGL texture with data. It is expected the functor does as minimal processing as possible so as not to slow down textures generation and upload. If the content of a texture is the result of a slow procedural generation process, it is recommended not to implement this directly in a functor.

All textures are unique. If you instantiate twice the same texture this will create 2 identical textures on the GPU, no sharing will take place.

Property Documentation


ComparisonFunction : ComparisonFunction

Holds the comparison function of the texture provider.

ComparisonMode : ComparisonMode

Holds the comparison mode of the texture provider.

depth : int

Holds the depth of the texture provider.

format : TextureFormat

Holds the format of the texture provider.

generateMipMaps : bool

Holds whether the texture provider should auto generate mipmaps.

[read-only] handle : var

Holds the current texture handle, if Qt 3D is using the OpenGL renderer, handle is a texture id integer.

[read-only] handleType : enumeration

Holds the current texture handle type.




height : int

Holds the height of the texture provider.

layers : int

Holds the maximum layer count of the texture provider. By default, the maximum layer count is 1.

this has a meaning only for texture providers that have 3D or array target formats.

magnificationFilter : Filter

Holds the magnification filter of the texture provider.

maximumAnisotropy : bool

Holds the maximum anisotropy of the texture provider.

minificationFilter : Filter

Holds the minification filter of the texture provider.

samples : int

Holds the number of samples per texel for the texture provider. By default, the number of samples is 1.

this has a meaning only for texture providers that have multisample formats.

[read-only] status : Status

Holds the current status of the texture provider.

[read-only] target : Target

Holds the target format of the texture provider.

The target format can only be set once.

width : int

Holds the width of the texture provider.

[read-only] wrapMode : QTextureWrapMode

Holds the wrap mode of the texture provider.

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