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BlitFramebuffer QML Type

FrameGraph node to transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a render target to another.

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BlitFramebuffer QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.5

  • Inherits: FrameGraphNode

  • Instantiates:: QBlitFramebuffer

Detailed Description

This node inserts a glBlitFrameBuffer or an equivalent into the command stream. This provides a more efficient method for copying rectangles between textures or surface backbuffers wrapped by QRenderTarget than drawing textured quads. It also supports scaling with the specified interpolation method.

In practice the BlitFramebuffer node will often be used in combination with NoDraw since a blit should not involve issuing draw calls for any entities.

Property Documentation


destination : RenderTarget

Specifies the destination render target. When not set, the destination is assumed to be the default framebuffer (i.e. the backbuffer of the current surface), if there is one.

the source and destination must not refer to the same render target.

destinationAttachmentPoint : RenderTargetOutput.AttachmentPoint

Specifies the source attachment point. Defaults to RenderTargetOutput.AttachmentPoint.Color0.

destinationRect : Rect

Specifies the destination rectangle. The coordinates are assumed to follow the normal Qt coordinate system, meaning Y runs from top to bottom.

interpolationMethod : InterpolationMethod

Specifies the interpolation applied if the image is stretched. Defaults to Linear.

source : RenderTarget

Specifies the source render target. When not set, the source is assumed to be the default framebuffer (i.e. the backbuffer of the current surface), if there is one.

the source and destination must not refer to the same render target.

sourceAttachmentPoint : RenderTargetOutput.AttachmentPoint

Specifies the source attachment point. Defaults to RenderTargetOutput.AttachmentPoint.Color0.

sourceRect : Rect

Specifies the source rectangle. The coordinates are assumed to follow the normal Qt coordinate system, meaning Y runs from top to bottom.

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